Yay! An intelligent review of Deathly Hallows from Christianity Today! I totally respect them for this, instead of wasting 4 or 5 pages talking of how Harry Potter is evil like a certain other magazine, it tells of its merits. When I read the Harry Potter series, I never had any interest in witchcraft. In the Bible, God saids not to meddle with witchcraft. He is not saying, do not read Harry Potter or watch anything fantasyish. He means “DO NOT PRACTICE IT” Sorry, I sometimes seriously get carried away, when talking about how I do not think Harry Potter is bad. If anyone wants to read of the Christian symbolism of Harry Potter, go check out Sword of Gryffindor or hogwartsprofessor.com
I seriously love Harry Potter, and am so sad to see it end!

Anyways, here is the article from Christianity Today, BE WARNED! SPOILERS FROM DEATHLY HALLOWS AHEAD!

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